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Dave Shuter

Dave Shuter
Board Member
USMC, Retired
BGen Shuter join the FLHF in June 2021 and served 31 years in the Marine Corps as a transport and helicopter pilot. Tours included three years in Vietnam as a helicopter pilot, four years as a Presidential helicopter pilot, Commander of CH53 squadron in Okinawa, Commander largest Marine Corps Air Group which included 13 squadrons and 180 aircraft, and Commander Marine Corps Air Bases Western Area, which included Marine Corps Air Station El Toro, now the site of the Irvine Great Park. Retired October 1990.
Following retirement, he held positions as member of the Orange County Land Use Commission, President Advanced Transportation Systems at Powers Design International – Newport Beach; Vice President and Southern California Regional Manager Gannett Fleming Engineering – involved in light rail programs in western U.S.; Deputy Executive Director for Facilities, Los Angeles World Airports – 11 years; Consultant with Kennard Development Group for construction planning, Deputy Airport Director for Facilities Development, John Wayne Orange County Airport.
Dave holds a Masters degree in Aerospace Engineering from Naval Post Graduate School. Currently guest instructor Citrus College Construction Management Associate Degree program.