Giving > Facebook Fundraising

Facebook Fundraising
Raise money for the Flying Leatherneck Aviation Museum directly on your Facebook page.
Set Up Your Fundraiser
Just click the “Create A Fundraiser” button on Facebook and follow the easy steps to raise money. The funds you raise will be sent directly to FLAM to help us achieve our mission to preserve and promulgate the history, traditions, and culture of the Marine Corps Aviation and educate all Americans in its virtues.
Customize Your Fundraiser
Tell your story! Share your "why" - why you care about helping to tell Marine Corps Aviation history for generations to come. Share who we are and why people should care. Whether you are a Marine, have loved ones that are Marines, or are passionate about preserving military history, share your story with words, photographs, and videos.
Promote Your Fundraiser
The most successful fundraisers rally friends and family for support. Share and send updates to your donors and thank them at the end of your campaign. Click here to start your fundraiser on Facebook today!
Have a question? Contact us at flhf@flyingleathernecks.org.
Get more tips from Facebook here.
Thank you for your interest in fundraising for
the Flying Leatherneck Aviation Museum.
Have a question?
Contact us at flhf@flyingleathernecks.org.